
Check out our recent blog posts and press releases to stay up to date on our work, meet our partners, learn about the latest trends in social change and celebrate key milestones with us.

What is Health Equity, and Why Should It Matter to You?

Before we get into the good stuff, let us explain health equity and why it should matter to you. Health Equity is defined as a state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health. So, no matter who you are or where you come from, everyone has…

5 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

Dating in the modern world comes with its own challenges, especially when navigating personalities that seem to be straight out of reality TV. You may have seen the drama unfold on The Bachelorette—where confidence can quickly turn into arrogance—but how can you tell if the person you’re dating is more than just self-assured and, instead,…

Food Insecurity: What It Is and How We Can Fight It

Food insecurity. You might have heard the term before but may not know exactly what it means. According to the USDA, food insecurity- not to be mistaken as ‘hunger’- is defined as “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.”And if that wasn’t complicated enough to understand, here is…

Can I Get Pregnant from Pre-Ejaculation? And Other Common Questions 

Once upon a time, women were led to believe that just by kissing a boy, they could get pregnant. Thankfully, modern times have allowed women to become more informed of the different ways in which pregnancy is possible thereby disputing this age-old warning. (Although, humorously, this tactic is still used to keep young girls from…

The Dark Side of Sororities: What You Need to Know

It’s that time of year… when sorority rush week will soon be trending on TikTok as across the country and college campuses begin a tradition that dates to the 1800s. If you’re thinking about joining a sorority, it’s important to go in with your eyes wide open. Sororities can offer a supportive community and foster…

Understanding HPV: What Every Woman Should Know

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a topic that might not always come up in everyday conversation, but it’s important for every woman to understand. Human papillomavirus is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States. It’s estimated that around 80% of sexually active women will contract at least one strain of human papillomavirus…

Back to School: Your Campus Safety Checklist

The summer days are coming to an end, and the excitement of a new school year is quickly approaching. It’s time to get back into our routines with classes, late-night study sessions, and club meetings. But even with our busy new schedules coming up, let’s not forget about how we can keep ourselves safe and…

Summer Yeast Infections: Burning Like House of the Dragon?

Summer is in full swing, and while we all love the sunshine and beach days, there’s a less glamorous side to the season that we need to talk about: yeast infections. Yes, those pesky, uncomfortable infections that can make your life feel like a scene from House of the Dragon, with your pee being the…

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Ectopic Pregnancies: What’s the Real Difference?

When it comes to the conversation of abortion, it’s easy for misinformation to spread. Often, what people refer to as facts are random bits of information they’ve picked up from TikTok rather than from a doctor’s office. That’s why we’re here—to set the record straight, particularly on the topics of abortion, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancies….

Please, Please, Please Don’t Date the Guy No One Approves Of 

We get it. He sweeps you off your feet, he says all the right things, and he’s universally not bad to look at. But you get this nagging feeling about introducing him to your family and friends. You’re concerned about how he’ll act, the impression he’ll make, or how he’ll be received. Or maybe you’ve…