Star of Hope, Women & Family Development Center
About This Service
The Women and Family Development Center at Star of Hope’s Corner ...More

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Overall Rating: 3.7

Lynise Sanders rated 5
2 weeks ago
I usually get there after business hours and have to off load my donations myself, sometimes the boxes can be heavy. This last visit there was an attendant to assist taking my donations out of my vehicle. I was very appreciative.
Faye Frazier rated 1
a month ago
My daughter and I have been unfortunate enough to find this place as a last resource upon looking for shelter. At first glance you'd think a faith based shelter would be a good place to start, I did anyway. In my case I'm homeless and new to Houston due to my daughters cancer diagnosis and experience in AZ. Her and I have medical issues. I've been reprimanded for attending doctors appointments and making it to appointments scheduled prior to our arrival here. I was told that I need to reevaluate if this is the place for us because I've made it to our appointments and also told that this isn't a shelter it is a development center. However it is referenced as such via 211 or when you Google family shelters. What I don't understand is why making appointments that stabilize our physical health would even be a issue. It actually controdicts what they proclaim to stand for(leave better than you came) and more about money. Also I have found that staff are able to lie and write you up just because you refuse to be disrespected by them even though this organization has heavy surveillance and proves what is going on. They use God as a weapon of evil and make subliminal messages in meetings (table talk) to discourage people from speaking out about what is going on in here. The food is horrible most of the time. Being here is like being in a narcissistic relationship where you are constantly being gaslit and degradined as if we are less than or not worthy of dignity and respect. No grace no mercy no empathy just micro aggression and down right no regard for human life. They say just be grateful you have a place to stay and food to eat. And I am I thank God every day all through out the day. I thank him for the staff that challenge me in any way. I thank him for the ones that are very intentional in prayer and not setting out to make this experience more traumatizing and for the people like myself that are here receiving services. Gods speed Gods will ...
C B rated 1
a month ago
This shelter is extremely corrupt. The food is raw at times, the staff expects you to eat it and get sick from it. The staff is messier than the residents. They take their sweet time helping you with housing. Some of the case managers tamper with the drug tests. Staff makes up rules as they go along. They talk about other people's kids here. If you're a man with child then this place isn't for you. They'll single you out because you're a single father. You'd be better off going to the Salvation Army...
Chris Beal rated 1
a month ago
They call this a Christian based program when really it's being ran by money hungry devils. If you're a man with child, then this is not the place for you. The female residents are messy and the staff is just as messy if not more. If you're the only man in the facility, women will be in your face 24/7 but the staff will make it seem as if you're the one who's fraternizing. They will single you out every time simply because you're a man. The food here is occasionally nasty, they don't want you to work a job when you 1st come here which basically keeps you from being self sufficient. A lot of the staff make up rules as they go along and half the rules are nowhere in the handbook that they give you in orientation. They look for reasons (petty reasons) to write you up, give you a conditional stay and eventually a final day of stay before you're kicked out of here. The staff tends to lie on the residents a lot and the supervisor believes them. There is a lot of corruption in this shelter which will be brought to light as I am currently building a case against them including the CEO. You would be better off going to the Salvation Army if you're looking for shelter. I could say more but, that would take hours.
Marquiett Johnson rated 5
2 months ago
Ms Lisa Johnson is a wonderful intake manager. She's very knowledgeable on her job. Although there was not any space at the shelter for me, she gave me other resources to contact. Ms Johnson needs more than a 5 star rating. Thank you Ms Johnson for your help, kindness and your wonderful smile. Keep up the awesome help you give to your new clients and keep smiling!
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